30 Years Before Siri

Peter studied Engineering Mathematics at Bristol University in the south west of England.
At the time, this was a new course that provided a crossover of applied mathematics and more traditional engineering disciplines (Aero, Mechanical, Electrical and Civil).

In the third-year, Peter started studying artificial intelligence and discussing the ideas raised by books like Godel, Escher & Bach by Douglas R. Hofstadter

For his final year project, Peter chose to a Natural Language Processing (NLP) project.
30 years before Apple’s Siri

AI Project Front Page

Click on this to See the Final Year NLP Project

Professor Baldwin (no relation) offered an opportunity for Peter to continue his research as part of a PhD.  However it involved funding from Underwater Weapons Research – so Peter decided to get a “commercial job” instead.

See Psion First Story for what Peter did after University